How Heidi Transformed a Veterinary Specialist's Workflow

Charles Kuntz is a Melbourne-based Veterinary Specialist Surgeon and a passionate Heidi user. Growing up around medicine with his dad being a cardiac surgeon, Charles always had a love for science and mathematics. His path into veterinary medicine began when his family dog became ill, and he ended up taking it to the vet school. What started as a question about volunteering at the vet school soon turned into reality and a fulfilling career.

Charles is passionate about mental health in the veterinary industry and points out that “some people are underpaid, everyone is overworked, and a lot of that is related to being time-poor.” He used to get very stressed trying to keep up to date with his patients' medical records and was known for not having the most complete records in the practice. Running back-to-back consultations from early morning until midday, he would often either be frantically writing notes in front of his clients or putting them off until later, making it hard for him to remember all the details.

By using Heidi, Charles mentions that it has saved him about an hour a day. His medical records are now complete and organized, and the stress around his note-taking is gone. “Imagine having a super-intelligent, really fast-writing scribe that follows you around the clinic and just writes down everything you say and organizes it perfectly into a medical record,” he says.

He encourages every vet and veterinary specialist surgeon to try Heidi, as it’s “been a no-brainer” when it comes to improving workflows. With Heidi’s support, Charles has noticed that he has become more organized, less stressed, and is able to spend more time doing what he loves – providing great care to his furry patients.

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