New updates and improvements to Heidi.

Memory is a new set of preferences that define how you would like your note to appear stylistically. This is part of a suite of work we’re embarking on to make your Heidi sound more like you.
These sit separately to your templates, and are operative en masse on all of your sessions, remembering how you like dates formatted, permanent spelling corrections, and more. A kind of memory, if you will…
On launch, there are 3 options in your Memory:
- Date - Select your preferred format for listing dates (eg., YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY)
- Language & spelling - Set input and output language and make UK or US English the default spelling choice
- Replace - Customize your word library with commonly misspelled words, preferred abbreviations, and word substitutions, and Heidi will automatically use these in your outputs
Bulk text edits (find and replace)
If you notice a misspelled word during your session, or an abbreviation or word substitution you would like to make, just highlight the relevant text with your mouse and click ‘Find & replace.’
In the menu that appears you can specify the replacement. Then, tell Heidi whether you would like to apply the change to all instances within your current output, across all outputs in your session, or for all future occurrences (by adding it to your word library in Memory settings).
Please see the Help Centre article on Memory for a full overview of personalized memory settings.

Use new keyboard shortcuts to pursue productivity singularity by shaving milliseconds off your workflow.
See the full list by clicking Shortcuts in the bottom-left of the sidebar (or do it the right way and just press S to reveal the menu).
So far, we’ve created a total of 24 shortcuts for:
- Managing sessions
- General tasks (like copy, paste, undo)
- Navigating around Heidi
- Toggling settings
- Formatting in notes and documents
More coming soon, so keep an eye on the Shortcuts menu for new additions.
Rich text editor (bold & italics)
We understand that sometimes it’s the small touches that make a perfect note. So we’ve made it easy to add rich text formatting, like bold and italics.
To add formatting, highlight the segment of text you want to change and you’ll see your formatting options hover above.
Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcuts you’re likely already familiar with from your favorite text editors—ctrl+B for bold and ctrl+I for italics.
Wrap text in your templates with the notations ** and _ to make permanent bolding and italicizing (respectively) in your notes.
Finally, we added new copy states so you can choose what formatting gets carried over when you copy your note. You may copy as plain text (required for some EHRs), copy with formatting (without lists), or copy with formatting (with lists).
Instant feedback system
We’ve heard that on occasion (rarely, we hope), Heidi can be a little temperamental.
This happens because we’re always tinkering on the back end to achieve note perfection and a blissful clinical documentation experience.
However, outside of traditional support channels, there has never been a quick way for you to tell us when Heidi is going right—or when there is room for improvement.
Now, with our integrated feedback system, you can use a simple smiley face rating scale to tell us how satisfied you are with your note, letter, or document (bonus points if you also add a short text description).

We’ll use this additional feedback data to make Heidi more accurate and efficient, so you can save even more time on writing notes.
- Improved team invitation expiry handling. User and team admin can now see the number of days until a pending invite expires (set to 30 days by default). Admin can resend a pending or expired invite to reset the 30 day expiry period.
- Various UI improvements to the Settings pages.
- Added the option to remain anonymous when uploading a community template.
- Added a ‘Reset filters’ button to the Template Community home screen.
- Improved dynamic naming of note tabs (first tab called Note with other identified by note or document type).
- Holding shift key and clicking a session now opens selected session in a new window (can easily open several sessions at once).
- Added a disclaimer for notes/documents emailed to patients to clarify ‘do not reply’ status of the sending email.
- Users can now go from New session to Dictation in one click (must first set a default dictation template in preferences).
- Implemented a new Cliniko integration flow.
- Added a real-time upload progress indicator.
- Sidebar now auto-dismisses on click.
- Improved behavior of the Copy button so it consistently changes to Copied! when successful.
- Improved focus state on sidebar items.
- Loads of general UI & UX improvements of the core product.
- Fixed an issue with team invites changing the letter casing on email addresses.
- Fixed a bug where deleted community templates are still visible to other users.
- Removed ‘null’ text being added to integrated Cliniko sessions and fixed an issue with schedules/appointments being listed out of order.
- Resolved an issue where team members are listed twice in team list after being added.
- Fixed a bug where plan upgrades were not correctly being displayed or applied to some users accounts.
- Fixed a bug where Voice option was removed when using a speciality note template.
- Resolved a bug where users in a Free team were seeing an upgrade button (only Admin can change subscription tier of a team).
- Fixed a bug that was preventing customized note templates from being published to the template community.
- Resolved an issue where the Upgrade plan button was disabled within the Sessions screen.
- Fixed a bug causing occasional dictation looping and repetition.
- Resolved logout issues on mobile.
- Fixed a pagination issue that was causing slowdown for users with numerous saved sessions.